Six months later after being married to a certain Mr. Lund: I don't apologize as much. I speak less. I am not afraid to share my thoughts. I laugh more. (Is this possible?!) I eat healthier. I exercise more. I worship more. I pray for others. I think about the needs of others. I am unashamedly myself. I have a holy fear of the Word of God. I complain less. (Hallelujah!) I value more and cherish the gifts God is cultivating in me. Alas, I probably drink more beer. Even if I were to just have these past six months with My Love (please, Lord let there be six million more!) I can see what an impact this man of God has had on my life and walk with Jesus. I'm not becoming more like Steven, rather I know I am being transformed from glory to glory. "It may be conceded to the mathematicians that four is twice two. But two is not twice one; two is two thousand times one."--GK Chesterton, The Man ...