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Showing posts from December, 2016

Read This, But Don't

It's not a waste if it's wasted on Jesus.  I have been learning things from the Spirit that spin me into fiery speeches.  They are ones with great stories that I wish to share with other women. One speech, ironically, is that we don't always need platforms like blogs with a million followers or #1 TV shows to give God glory. (Ironic, right?)  Much of life is in the simple quiet parts that only He sees. That much is for God, and God alone .  We know the age-old question, "If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there to hear it..." But...what if God is the only one that hears the tree or sees your spiritual life? What if God is the only one that sees your sacrifice? What if you lay your desire to be married, or for children, or a career, at His feet and no one sees or acknowledges that sur render but Him?  What if you don't become the author or popular small group leader?  "Would it be enough for me?" I ask.  Are we...