There’s a mourning dove couple that sits out on my deck every summer. Today my old friends have returned and I notice that the Christmas treats Mrs. Dove dished out were far too generous to them this year. Both plump brown birds sit in the exact same spots every season. I see the same affectionate signs of old love that can be noticed in humans. How sweet that Mr. Dove sits patiently as the misses fixes his tie and collar. How kind of Mr. to dotingly peck the Mrs. on the cheek.
As I sat watching a little bit of “shoulder time” between the love birds, God’s beauty was tender and sweet. He made us for relationships. They intricately display His glory in such a unique way. It was clear in my own mind that Mrs. Dove and Mr. Dove rejoiced over each other’s company. In the same way Christ rejoices over us. To that, I smile and coo.
“…as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.”—Isaiah 62:5b
I love this. Not too cheesy at all! :)