Our new cat, Gilbert Keith Chesterton (named after the writer), who daily
demonstrates to me the rest of God.
It hasn't been difficult explaining to people what I do with my time, but it has been annoying to fight the droning conscience saying, "you should do something more...you should be something more." However, I think the Father wanted to slough off the entire idea of work from my identity. I cannot work to please man anymore, which reveals how much I've also tried to please God. (We know from the past I've been an employee of the Religious Works Department in the land of Perfect.)
As for now, the Father tells me to simply receive from Him. I cannot give to Him what He doesn't already have (Acts 17:25). This is not how we are justified before God.
So I lay, pondering tonight what the Lord would bring me here for, and it might be to remind myself that we are loved by an Everlasting Love. The righteous will live by faith, and the work of God is to believe in Him.
"Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?'
Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.'”--John 6:28-29
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