God is sending me out on an adventure, which by my standards contains no boat or plane ride to Europe, so it’s hardly an adventure at all. Selling books door-to-door—please, this will just be a musing to tickle my faith and trust in Christ.
The pit of my stomach does not believe those words. Am I absolutely mad?! As I packed up my things and left Starbucks for the last time, I realized this is going to change my life. I made plans to do a lot of things but I find that I’m doing exactly what I have violently planned against. I would not have chosen college or the bookfield. Somehow though I am finding enchantment in these strange places, for His power is made perfect in my weakness. If to live is Christ, I will seek my greater joy in His glory while out there.
Now Father, I am weak. Please perfect your strength in me, for that will be my greatest joy. I only ask for your mercy. This is a mercy to me now.
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