I'm learning that God still doesn't love me based upon my performance. I've been learning that the hard way. Obviously, the only way we can learn this is usually by messing up a lot and still feeling the approval of our Father. I'm not even going to balance this statement with a "BUT we should TRY...". I'm not. I'm tired and fed up with trying to please Him for the fear that He will look down on me with disdain or condition. So much of this life is striving to please Him when the one thing I'm learning is that I cannot--aside from Jesus! My doing good, my following the rules, all those things are filthy rags to Him. I can't seem to grasp this concept quite yet. Do I want to do the right thing? Of course, but it seems to get harder day in and day out, out here on the bookfield. I've made mistakes, not being faithful in the little things. God, how can you still seek to bless me? Help me to understand this. ...