Anytime I forget where I am, I need only look at the old women walking down the streets carrying a single baguette or bouquet of flowers (not kidding, they actually do that). I love my landlady as well. She looks a bit like a mix between Maggie Smith and an even skinnier version of Jim Carey's character in "A Christmas Carol". I would like to overwrite the stereotype of snooty French people with this wonderful Madame. She's so patient when I'm trying to speak French. It took 20 minutes for her to show me how to use my ancient keys for the house. After I apologized she grabbed my arm and adamantly responded through her thin lips and bright pink lipstick, <<Je suis ici pour t'aider!!>>. I could see if you didn't speak the language you'd think she was forceful or even a bit rude.
Finally, this wouldn't be a new country without a few blunders. "Mon favorit" was today. I tried to pull open the door to the Christian bookstore down the street but it wouldn't budge. When it appeared no one was in the shop I naturally walked over to the market next door to test my French skills. It must have been that my "r" didn't roll enough, because the man knew I was American (maybe it was the I heart USA t-shirt and white sneakers that tipped him off...). "You want to go to the shop next door?" I followed him out of the store and to my amazement the door was magically opened. He pushed it open to be exact. Somehow I feel like this could have easily happened in America but at least I got to practice the phrase <<Savez-vous si le magasin côte d'ici est ouvert?>> Alas, I suppose stupid goes through cultures.
One last thing, I know that Jesus is here with me. I can feel Him and I'm very grateful for this time. After the first few moments alone in my room I realized I was going to be alone for an entire semester. I suddenly had a new appreciation for missionaries like my friend that is working in Rome (Luke 18:29). That's when Jesus invited me to spend time with Him. What I heard was the sweet, quiet voice saying "Alicia, I am your home".
At the center of Chambéry
Roommates at dinner
My cute home!
Those darn keys...
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."--Romans 6:23
"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong."--Ecclesiastes 8:11
View from my balcony
My best Gene Kelley impression on the rainy streets
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