The previous post about Advent was a decoy...deterring from my heart and what was actually going on. Now, I owe it to you. I'm going to be simple, blunt, and ooey-gooey.
God is constantly reminding me of my need for Him. To expound on the verse I had posted previously, He sometimes subjects me to frustration in order to find me curled up in a corner (literally, I'm in the corner of my room by the heater), angry, frustrated, and at the end of myself.
Sometimes He has to subject myself to my own frustrations so that I might learn my need and how to depend upon Him more, and more, and MORE.
"For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."--Romans 8:20-21
I found myself dealing with heart issues of years gone by today. "Hey, I thought I got rid of you..." I deal an awful lot with disappointment in not being perfect, but I so want to be at the same time! Lord, help me! He reminds me again, that His perfection has overcome all my striving and groping for approval. I'm still, still trying to understand it. I will persist until I know the true feeling and meaning of "child of God".
Oh, how He loves us. That's all.
God is constantly reminding me of my need for Him. To expound on the verse I had posted previously, He sometimes subjects me to frustration in order to find me curled up in a corner (literally, I'm in the corner of my room by the heater), angry, frustrated, and at the end of myself.
Sometimes He has to subject myself to my own frustrations so that I might learn my need and how to depend upon Him more, and more, and MORE.
"For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."--Romans 8:20-21
I found myself dealing with heart issues of years gone by today. "Hey, I thought I got rid of you..." I deal an awful lot with disappointment in not being perfect, but I so want to be at the same time! Lord, help me! He reminds me again, that His perfection has overcome all my striving and groping for approval. I'm still, still trying to understand it. I will persist until I know the true feeling and meaning of "child of God".
Oh, how He loves us. That's all.
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