I'm going to start by being happy these days. The old self and valley woes are now leaving and a new season has begun. Praise Jesus! One of my life-long dreams is now coming true and I am going to FRANCE for a study abroad for four months! I'm ready to get my fill of ohh-la-la's, escargots, and café au laits. I think La France will treat me well for a season. I believe my blog will take a turn for the better and probably a little more bearable to read. I am thankful for the valleys, but now oh so excited for the promised land. I'm learning in this process that God really does want to give good gifts to His beloved.
Ever since I was young I've had this cockeyed dream of going to gay ole Paris (pronounced Pair-ree, of course) and sitting outside in a café drinking Pellegrino and writing. Some may say, "why Alicia, you do that here in Nebraska?!" I know, but I hope to "find myself in Paris" like Sabrina did (coincidentally my favorite movie as well as the inspiration for my excursion since I was five). France may have the "je ne sais quoi" I'm looking for (by now even I'm rolling my eyes at myself). Hopefully I'll come back refreshed and stock-piled with scarves, boots, and objects in the shape of la Tour Eiffel. I will no longer have to look at the Bath and Body Works displays of France and say to myself, "if only I were there...*sigh*". I can say pretty soon, "Ah, la France, je t'aime".
Now I must practice:
<<Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi.>>
--Jean 14:6
<< Car tous ont péché et sont privés de la gloire de Dieu; et ils sont gratuitement justifiés par sa grâce, par le moyen de la rédemption qui est en Jésus Christ.>>--Romains 3:23-24
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