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Showing posts from January, 2015


I've been clinging to promises from God lately. Suddenly it dawned on me that they will come true. They aren't suggestions or mere hopes. I know that these things will happen: God will withhold no good thing--meaning good things are coming my way--as my walk is blameless in His sight. (Psalm 84:11) He satisfies my soul's longings. As I hunger, I will be satisfied with good. (Psalm 107:9) God fulfills His purpose for me. He does whatever He pleases--I cling to this on days and moments when I feel like I've  "mess up" what He is doing. (Psalm 57:2) He cares for me--Individual little Alicia who seemingly has very little consequence to this world. He cares when I'm tired, He cares when my emotions are out of whack. He cares when I am hurt. I'm never too far away from His gaze. (1 Peter 5:7) These promises come in handy (and these are just a few) when the oppression of fear or dread cause me to think about the what-if's. I tend to think o