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Showing posts from December, 2018

Saved Through Child Bearing

My labor with our first daughter, Farrah, was not how I had pictured it.  Most of it went well but some of it was unpredictably difficult.  I did a lot of things right.  I refused to be afraid.  I also knew that I wanted God to walk with me through the process.  I call it a supernatural labor, not because it was a pain free process but because the Father was there through it all walking with me. I know the title of this blog comes from the debated scripture of 1 Timothy 2:15, and I'm really not here to address that, but I can't help but think of it when I look back on Farrah's birth story. “Yet she will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.”  I was saved through this experience.  I was saved in so many ways.  I was delivered from fear and pride and this process taught me about endurance in the faith. I'll save you some boring details but lets just say about 3PM on September 5th--eight days past